I Started Coin Roll Hunting When I was ten and got my first Metal detector, A Whites TR from Sears that Christmas. I have over 40 years experience in Numismatics and also many styles of collecting.
I was a stacker at one time but sold most all of my stack in 1987 and 1988.
I started a family in 1990 and had a son. His name was Cory James. He recently passed in 2018 because of health issues he was born with. My health has deteriorated as well over the last 5 years and don't get to treasure hunt as much or for very long.
I Post a lot of Shout outs for the smaller channels and try to give them a push. All these channels i am shouting out may or may not be subscribed to me as I am to all these channels.
I do Coin roll hunts as well as live streams about once a week. Always a fun time 4 hours or longer at night into early morning EST.
I am doing a series on my World Coins with a background of the country.
I also do a lot of Trades for a fair Value.