さいさいライフ- SaiSaiLife
About SaiSai (🇩🇪🦏 × 🇯🇵🦏)
We are a German - Japanese couple based in Munich, Germany and like to share our adventures around the world. We met in Niigata, Japan 2014 as Kate was there for a summer school with her university. After 1,5 years of long distance relationship Naoto moved to Germany and since August 2017 we moved together in Munich and got married in September, 2019!
Kate is 27 and is originally from a small village in lower saxony (middle of Germany).
After her Master’s degree in Engineering Management from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology she started as a Consultant in the field of artificial intelligence at IBM.
Naoto is 28, grew up in Saitama, Japan (close to Tokyo) and achieved a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Niigata University in Japan.
After finishing his masters, he moved to Germany in 2016. Currently he quit his job and now focuses on this "SaiSaiLife”!
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