Hidmona Tv-ህድሞና
ኣብዛ ቻነል ዝተፈላለየ መደባት ስፖርት፣ታሪክ ህይወት ዕዉታት ተጻወትን ካልእ ኣዘናጋዒ ዝኾነ ነገራትን ብትግርንኛ ነቅርብ ።
እዘን ዘቅርበን ቭድዮታት ድማ ኣብ መንገዲ ዓወትኩም ኽሕግዛኹምን ከዘናጋዓኩምን ይምነ።ክትረኽቡና ምስ እትደልዩ ድማ በዛ email ጻሓፉልና ኢኹም
I upload sports analysis, motivation, biographies and success story of famous athletes in tigrinya.
I hope these videos can inspire you to follow your dreams in life and entertain you.
Everyone is welcome to promote their work through this channel.
For more information and questions you can contact us via
I appreciate your visit to my channel . Thank you :)