I post lifestyle, day in the life, #beauty, #family, #productreview, #fitness, #cooking, do it yourself, #parenting, and many more awkward videos three times a week.
I am:
An Ex-teen mom
A Wife
A Mother
An Adoptee
A Beauty Junkee
A Runner
A Yogi
An Endometriosis fighter
An Egg donor
And a Survivor
In no particular order.
Please email me directly for my P.O Box.
*"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."*
~ E.E. Cummings
*All information, and video are the property of ItsJustKelli , and should not be used anywhere else before permission has been approved. All thoughts and comments are just that and ItsJustKelli will not be held liable for actions of others. If you need advice about a serious problem, please contact a health care provider.*