Avatar by Unknown
Hi there
My name is Ivander Lim(Known as MarioMilesC&C and Cupshadow in discord)
In Moddb i known as the mini modder of cncd2k. I also ever mod Zero hour, However it is too hard so i'll stick modding YR Instead.
Here in this channel i will upload about C&C Skirmish Videos and Megaman Stuff.
For Mega Man Series i usually do a speed run or some other type video like boss rushes with typical challenges, Although i usually didn't do these things usually.
X Series i usually play is X6. Yeah i ever played X7 but not frequently.
Also some interesting Mega Man/ Mega Man X hack will be uploaded here
I don't do no damage or perfect run often as it's too frustating as Finishing original X6 in Xtreme Mode.
Also no damage speedrun was too hard for me. Maybe i will do it sometimes or uhh
Maybe not.
I had no planning upload schedule at this time because sometimes i am busy with my school or sort of that
But uploading video is my fav things! Especially if there something new.