GLOP GodlovesOurPassion
Come join us for learning from the Bible, the Word of GOD (YHWH). Derek walks you through life's hardships with inspiration and compassion.
Welcome to GLOP.
I am so excited you are here. This is a Christian channel in case you didn’t figure it out after watching several of my/our videos. I am a licensed minister and worked for several churches before deciding I was called to be a minister online. This has challenged me in ways I could never imagine. For anyone that has ever seen any of my videos you will notice that there is an active discussion that runs through all of my videos. That is because this is a bully free zone. I think you will be surprised to know that there are Rules for the discussion in the comments section below the videos. “Rules!”, you might ask. “I got out of school years ago.”, you also probably said. Here is the thing… if people do not feel safe to leave their innermost thoughts then we can’t have really great conversations. If we don’t have great conversations