Chris Freeman
So many people only seek help when some area of their life is in crisis. The wise seek help early so as not to end up in crisis.
Chris is Australia's leading Life Coach. He has been 'bringing people to a better life' through his coaching for over 20 years, coaching people in many countries – from business owners, corporate directors and executives, to students, home-makers and those just starting out. His coaching brings guidance and strength to their foundations so that the successes of today are sustained into the future.
Clearly 65 years of age is the wrong number to plan our life around. Our first 5 years at home or day care, followed by 20 years of academic study and 40 years of work to get some years doing nothing in retirement, is a plan of 100 years ago. Chris believes that, whatever your circumstances, having a well laid-out plan and someone to walk alongside you to help implement that plan can help you avoid future lifestyle and financial pressure.