HowlRound Theatre
HowlRound TV is a global, commons-based peer produced, open access livestreaming and video archive project stewarded by HowlRound, a knowledge commons by and for the theatre, arts, and cultural community.
The channel is at and is a free and shared resource for live events and performances relevant to the world's live arts fields. Its mission is to break geographic isolation, promote resource sharing, and to develop our knowledge commons collectively. Follow and use hashtag #howlround in Twitter to participate in a community of peers revolutionizing the flow of information, knowledge, and access in our field.
Our community uses the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Become a producer and co-produce with us by going to our participate page. For any other queries, contact @HowlRound on Twitter, email, or call Vijay Mathew at +1 9176863185 Signal/WhatsApp.