Citizen Warwick
Musician from London, UK specialising in original live looping reggae music
To me the way the system is structured is not beneficial to all humankind. We have so much potential to explore the depths of life in oneness, yet we take the material world we live in, divide it up into segments and claim ownership, heritage and power over it.
I know we are not meant for this. We are meant for a greater way of living. The main cause of suffering is inequality, and the money system is the tool we use to divide us. We need a future where we use Science and Technology to automate the mundane tasks of living so we have more time for singing, dancing and exploration of the known universe.
We are all born into this world equal, and we all go out the same way, no matter how much money you have you cannot defy death, but you can make a mark on this world, and hope earth's children will abandon an unequal system.