Muntu Rising
Welcome to the heart of Power Vinyasa yoga in Gaborone, Botswana. Our yoga represents the pulse of Africa; it is alive, it is equanimity, it is Ubuntu, it is celebration, it is laughter, it is fierce, it is a revolution.
Our Story:
Muntu is a Bantu term that means human or Humanity. Ubuntu simply means connectedness and belongingness that exists or should exist between people. Ubuntu is at the core of our business philosophy. We believe that if we rise the humanity (Ubuntu) of a Person (Muntu) then we will also rise their spirit of; connection, belongingness, community and transcendence.
We are holistic wellness leaders from Africa, in the service of Africa. Our mission is to revive wellness and Self-care as time honored and integral parts of the African Cultural Value System. In our approach, we merge the science of Yoga with the spirit and philosophy of Africa.