My name is Michelene Adamo. I've teamed up with SNAKE DIET founder Cole Robinson. I'll be adding loads more to further teach, help, coach, & guide everybody about the SNAKE DIET, living a Fasting Focused Lifestyle, examples of different fasting routines & sharing exciting training videos
I’m a Nutritionist, been in the Health & Fitness industry now for 25 years. Im a Bikini Fitness Athlete & have a fair amount of champion titles to my name, a Snake Diet Coach, a Ka-Pow! Life Coach, a Professional Dancer/Teacher.If you would like to support me and my FREE Coaching i do accept Donations/Tips, as i DO NOT charge for Snake Diet Coaching. Im super thank-full for each and every donation. If you Would like to support me for my work, you may do so at my at my PayPal
NOTE: My channel is for educational purposes & you need to do your own research.