Disclaimer: I am not an "expert" in any of the subject matter I film. I am just an average blue collar 9 to 5 working man with a wife, 3 kids and a mortgage. I'm just a guy who is a fan of overland vehicles, off road vehicles, camping, outdoors, self defense and prepper/survival gear. I film at a lot of events as you can see from my collection of videos.
I consider myself just a reporter of cool things I see on my journey though life.
If you enjoy my videos, please leave a "LIKE" to support my channel and share my videos with friends. My videos are free. The only payment I ask for is that LIKE button!
Be sure to check out my Facebook page & Instagram for behind the scenes pics that I don't post on youtube. I take a lot of pics.
To see nothing but OFF ROAD ONLY videos visit my vehicle channel called "mixflip off road"
To see things I don't post on my main channel visit my 2nd channel "Mixflip Extra"
Thank you for your support.