2Gran Tv
2Gran TV is a channel created to make you aware of the Jamaican Party Culture. So, when you visit my channel you will be able to see interesting and fun Jamaica Dancehall Party Videos, Dancehall Reggae Videos, Jamaican Dancehall Reggae Videos and more. Personally, I was inspired to become a videographer around 20 years ago, and ever since I have recorded hundreds of videos.
My videos are aimed to capture the party culture of Jamaica, so on my youtube channel you will see videos of Jamaica dancehall parties which could include weekly parties arranged in Kingston Jamaica, Uptown Monday, Boatrides Clubbing stage shows and more.
If you love watching my videos then toss me a one-time tip at www.paypal.me/2grantv to help me become fan-funded because YouTube is screwing me by demonetizing my videos since they claim they're too "offensive* Or cover "sensitive" content. Thanks for having my back guys! They're not going to stop us