Africa Travel
Africa Travel Resource is the world’s leading tailor-made safari company.
We are a relatively small specialist organisation, owned and operated by people who have a passion for safari, with many of us having extensive first hand experience of living and working in the bush.
All of our safari experts have lived, worked and travelled extensively in Africa. Most have guided and managed at top safari camps across the continent. All of them know the world of safari inside out. They are all passionate, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and efficient.
We will help you to find a more authentic, more exciting and better value safari.
If you feel that we might be the right people to help you get out on safari, then the best way to get started is to give our Safari Experts a call on ...
USA +1 313-744-2871
UK +44 1306 880 770
Together we will create an awesome African adventure, whilst also advancing conservation in Africa!